Bigasoft Total Video Converter (for Windows and Mac) All the ideas and discussions
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be able to control the size of the file. I start with 100mb and you give me 400mb? Smaller please.

Sean , 03.12.2011, 08:10
Idea status: under consideration


John McMullen, 03.12.2011, 15:00
Since I'm currently looking for a way to make existing short video files small enough to fit the sharepoint limit (50 meg in this case), I'd certainly be interested in something like this. In fact, it can have simple and advanced options, where the user provides the output size that's needed, the software does stuff to try to make it fit (there should be an option to point out that the result will be unsuitable), and then a way to tweak the options to make it more suitable for the user. I realize there are editing options that might help but that are beyond the scope of a conversion program (and I don't want to learn an editing program right now: my editing interests are "Can we cut out this bit? What about this? Can we do that and start with something smaller?").

Unfortunately, re-recording isn't an option for me: as I say, these are existing files that ought to be converted.

An add-on package that handles obscure or obsolete formats would be useful from a business standpoint, but I don't know what the demand is, besides contractors who have to deal with legacy things.

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